Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Danny!

Today is Danny's 29th birthday! It is hard to believe that we have celebrated 8 birthdays together. He's on the road coming home from Alamosa today and then I have class tonight so there won't be much time to celebrate today but we plan to spoil him this weekend. The kids helped pick out a card to give to him and they did a beautiful job drawing pictures inside. Dylan remembered a movie that Danny said he had wanted and reminded me of that yesterday. I made sure to pick it up for him and he helped me wrap it. It touched my heart that he would remember something that his daddy said he would like to have and make sure to remind me to get it! I am looking forward to taking Danny to Red Lobster and a movie on Saturday night as our date night out. I am so happy to share another birthday with Danny! Life just gets sweeter with every passing year! Happy Birthday sweetie!

Right on track

Yesterday, April 1st, I went to my first official OB appointment of pregnancy #3. I had feelings of nervousness and excitement as I stepped back through the doors of the office. My doctor is quite the practical joker so I wondered if he would have any April Fools Day tricks up his sleeve. Luckily he did not! Everything is looking great, and I am right on track. I had all of my initial paperwork done, bloodwork done, and due date confirmed. I am so excited that everything looks okay! This is most likely to be my last pregnancy so I plan to enjoy every second of it! My next appointment is on April 16th. Danny and I will get to see our little peanut and hear its heartbeat. I am so excited! We'll be keeping everyone posted!